Home > English > Find out more about the association “From seed to humus” > Volunteering. Get involved for the environment

Volunteering. Get involved for the environment

Monday 17 January 2022, by La graine

All the versions of this article: [English] [Français]

Do you want to play your part? To volunteer for the “from seed to humus” association, find the details here.

How to get involved?

Volunteer involvement is highly appreciated and even necessary!
This project is meant to be collaborative. So if you wish to participate, please get in touch with us.

There are all sorts of possibilities, here are some skills that are welcome:

  • Translation
  • Graphic design
  • Idea and concept sharing
  • Knowledge of potential partners
  • Computer skills
  • ...

We can also discuss directly, if you prefer!

Translate the website

To translate the site, here are the language files. You can send us an email to get in touch.

Français (Ben de La Graine)

'website_title' => 'De la graine à l’humus',
'website_slogan' => 'Des ressources libres pour le développement durable',
'website_keywords' => 'ressources, libres, développement durable',
'website_author' => 'De la Graine à l’humus',
'website_description' => 'De la graine à l’humus propose des ressources libres, gratuites et collaboratives pour aller vers un développement plus en harmonie avec notre environnement.',
'website_summary' => '<p>Éclairage sur des aspects environnementaux et sociaux à travers des <a href="#ancrespip_learn">supports didactiques</a> et des <a href="#ancrespip_act">projets dédiés à chaque thématique</a>.</p>
<p>Notre philosophie se trouve <a href="#ancrespip_bottom">en bas  de cette page</a>.</p>',
'website_collaborate' => '<p>Ce site est en <i>licence libre</i> (Copiez, modifiez, améliorez et réutilisez librement !) et <i>collaboratif</i> (traduction, rédaction, informatique, graphisme, idées, don financier…). <i>Rejoignez-nous dans "Bénévolat" (en haut à droite)</i>.</p>Restez informez avec <a rel="lettre info" href="https://www.graineahumus.org/lettre-d-info?lang=fr">la lettre d’information</a>.',
'website_collaborate2' => 'Vous voulez traduire la vidéo ou cet article ? <i>Rejoignez-nous dans "Bénévolat" (en haut à droite).</i>',
'website_about' => 'Ce site est réalisé sur plusieurs postulats:<br/>
<ul class="spip">
<li>Il y a une urgence environnementale et sociale.</li>
<li>Personne n’est parfait et ensemble, nous allons plus loin.</li>
Ainsi, afin de faire avancer une cause environnementale ou sociale, nous produisons des documents en licence libre pour profiter à un maximum de personne. Ils peuvent resservir à d’autres entièrement ou partiellement, être traduits, diffusés…<br/>
Pour ne pas réinventer la roue, nous sollicitons des professionnels dans les divers domaines abordés.',
'dedicated_website' => 'Sites dédiés',
'mastodon' => 'Mastodon',
'diaspora' => 'Diaspora',
'peertube' => 'Peertube',
'youtube' => 'Youtube',
'twitter' => 'Twitter',
'website_commons' => 'Les creations de ce site se trouvent sur <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:ListFiles/Graineahumus&ilshowall=1&uselang=fr">Wikimedia!</a>',
'act_learn' => 'Agir et apprendre',
'learn' => 'Apprendre',
'learn_text' => 'Introduction aux concepts et méthodologies.',
'more_learn_text' => 'Voir les ressources plus en détail.',
'act' => 'Agir',
'act_text' => 'Voir les sites dédiés à une thématique.',
'other' => 'Ressources externes',
'other_text' => 'Des ressources d’ailleurs...',
'resources_folder' => 'Rubrique des ressources',
'audience' => 'Public',
'association' => 'Associations',
'company' => 'Entreprises',
'institution' => 'Institutions',
'school' => 'Établissements scolaires',
'individual' => 'Particuliers',
'type' => 'Type',
'video' => 'Vidéos',
'project' => 'Projets',
'directory' => 'Annuaires de sites internet',
'language' => 'dossier de langage',
'include_frame' => 'Cadre dans un article',
'no_forum' => 'Ne pas inclure de forum',
'creative_common' => 'Cette œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la <a rel="license" href="https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.fr">CC0 1.0 universel, transfert dans le Domaine Public</a>.',
'actual_language' => 'Article(s) dans la langue actuelle',
'other_languages' => 'Article(s) dans d’autres langues',
'existing_translations' => 'Traduction(s) existante(s): ',
'title_articles_to_translate' => 'Articles non traduits',
'articles_to_translate' => 'Les articles ci-dessous ne sont pas encore traduits. Si vous souhaitez aider à traduire, allez dans "Bénévolat" (en haut à droite).',
'resources' => 'Ressources artistiques ouvertes',
'intro_resources' => 'Ressources artistiques venant d’autres sites.',
'icons' => 'Icônes',
'music' => 'Musiques',
'modified' => 'Modifiés pour nos besoins',
'used_here' => 'Les ressources que nous utilisons',
'newsletter' => 'Lettre d’information',
'newsletter_mail' => 'Votre mail',
'newsletter_language_title' => 'Langue',
'newsletter_language' => 'Indiquez votre langue',
'newsletter_sucess' => 'Merci, nous avons bien reçu votre demande !',
'what_to_do' => 'Possibilités d’implication',
'what_to_do_txt' => 'L’implication bénévole est fortement appréciée et même nécessaire !<br/>
Ce projet se veut collaboratif. Ainsi si vous souhaitez participer, merci de <a href="./spip.php?page=contact">prendre contact avec nous.</a><br/>

Dans les possibilités, voici quelques compétences qui sont les bienvenues:
-* Traduction
-* Graphisme
-* Partage d’idées et de concept
-* Connaissances de partenaires potentiels
-* Compétences informatiques
-* ...

Nous pouvons aussi échanger de vive voix, si vous préférez !',
'translate_website' => 'Traduire le site',
'translate_txt' => 'Pour traduire le site, voici les fichiers de langues. Vous pouvez nous envoyer un mail afin de <a href="./spip.php?page=contact">se mettre en contact.</a>',
'translate_media' => 'Traduire les supports',
'translate_txt_media' => 'Pour traduire les articles, vous pouvez nous envoyer un mail afin de <a href="./spip.php?page=contact">se mettre en contact.</a> Nous vous ferons parvenir la procédure.',
'adhesion' => 'Adhérer à l’association',
'adhesion_sucess' => 'Merci, nous avons bien reçu votre demande ! Le temps de la traiter et nous vous enverrons votre carte d’adhérent par mail',
'adhesion_intro' => 'Pour adhérer à l’association « De la graine à l’humus », située 1 rue Fleury, 49290 Chalonnes-sur-Loire, merci de remplir le formulaire ci-dessous.<br/>
<i>La cotisation est à prix libre et est valable jusqu’à la prochaine assemblée générale. En cas de montant d’adhésion non nul, un mail vous sera envoyé avec les informations permettant un virement bancaire</i>.<br/>
Merci de remplir les données vous concernant, puis de valider.',
'adhesion_name' => 'Prénom',
'adhesion_surname' => 'Nom de famille',
'adhesion_address' => 'Adresse complète',
'adhesion_birth' => 'Date de naissance',
'adhesion_mail' => 'Mail',
'adhesion_amount' => 'Montant de l’adhésion',
'adhesion_amount_desc' => 'En cas de montant d’adhésion non nul, un mail vous sera envoyé avec les informations permettant un virement bancaire.',
'adhesion_outro' => 'Conformément à  la <a href="https://www.cnil.fr/fr/la-loi-informatique-et-libertes">loi du 6 janvier 1978 relative au droit de communication</a>, vous avez un droit de regard et de rectification sur les informations vous concernant.',
'translation_done' => 'Toutes les traductions sont faites pour cette partie !',

English (Ben de La Graine)

'website_title' => 'From seed to humus',
'website_slogan' => 'Free open source resources for sustainable development',
'website_keywords' => 'Free, open source, resources, sustainable development',
'website_author' => 'From Seed to Humus',
'website_description' => 'From Seed to Humus offers open, free and collaborative resources to move towards a sustainable development more in harmony with our environment.',
'website_menu1' => 'Association',
'website_menu2' => 'Resources',
'website_menu3' => 'Volunteering',
'website_menu4' => 'Newsletter',
'website_summary' => '<p>Shedding light on environmental and social aspects through <a href="#ancrespip_learn">teaching materials</a> and <a href="#ancrespip_act">projects dedicated to each theme</a>.</p>
<p>Find more about our philosophy <a href="#ancrespip_bottom">at the bottom of this page</a>.</p>',
'website_collaborate' => '<p>This site is under a <i>free license</i> (Copy, modify, improve and reuse freely!) and collaborative (translation, writing, IT, graphics, ideas, donation…). <i>To join us, go to "Volunteering" (top right)</i>.</p>Stay informed with <a rel="newsletter" href="https://www.graineahumus.org/newsletter?lang=en">the newsletter</a>.',
'website_collaborate2' => 'Do you want to translate the video or this article ? <i>To join us, go to "Volunteering" (top right).</i>',
'website_about' => 'This site is made on several assumptions:<br/>
<ul class="spip">
<li>There is an environmental and social emergency.</li>
<li>No one is perfect and together we go further.</li>
Thus, in order to move forward an environmental or social cause, we produce documents under free license to benefit as many people as possible. They can be used by others in whole or in part, be translated, distributed...<br/>
In order not to reinvent the wheel, we seek professionals in the various fields covered.',
'dedicated_website' => 'Dedicated websites',
'mastodon' => 'Mastodon',
'diaspora' => 'Diaspora',
'peertube' => 'Peertube',
'youtube' => 'Youtube',
'twitter' => 'Twitter',
'website_commons' => 'The creations of this site can be found on <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:ListFiles/Graineahumus&ilshowall=1">Wikimedia!</a>',
'act_learn' => 'Act and learn',
'learn_alone' => 'Learn',
'learn' => 'Learn about the environment',
'learn_text' => 'Introduction to concepts and methodologies to better understand current knowledge and approaches concerning the environment.',
'more_learn_text' => 'See resources in more detail.',
'act_alone' => 'Act',
'act' => 'Act for the environment',
'act_text' => 'See the resources, open source and collaborative, dedicated to various theme. They are set up by the association "From Seed to Humus".',
'other' => 'External resources',
'other_text' => 'Projects under free or open licenses, external to the association, open their doors to you. The list is collaborative by using the forum at the bottom.',
'resources_folder' => 'Resources folder',
'audience' => 'Audience',
'association' => 'Associations',
'company' => 'Companies',
'institution' => 'Establishments',
'school' => 'Schools',
'individual' => 'Individuals',
'article_txt' => 'Thoughts in the form of articles with resources. Kinda like a blog looking for solutions and setting up on current challenges.',
'dedicated_website_txt' => 'Topics on a sustainable development theme, for which we have created a dedicated website. As always it is collaborative and under free licenses!',
'directory_txt' => 'Directory of external resources or dedicated websites of the association on a specific theme of sustainable development in directory resources format.',
'video_txt' => 'Videos dedicated to a sustainable development theme. Videos and translations are collaborative, downloadable and under free licenses!',
'association_txt' => 'Sustainable development resources for associations. In the context of information, practices or collaborative resources under free licenses.',
'company_txt' => 'Sustainable development resources for companies. In the context of information, practices or collaborative resources under free licenses.',
'individual_txt' => 'Sustainable development resources for individuals. In the context of information, practices or collaborative resources under free licenses.',
'institution_txt' => 'Sustainable development resources for institutions. In the context of information, practices or collaborative resources under free licenses.',
'school_txt' => 'Sustainable development resources for schools. In the context of information, practices or collaborative resources under free licenses.',
'type' => 'Type',
'video' => 'Videos on environmental themes',
'project' => 'Projects on environmental themes',
'article' => 'Articles on environmental themes',
'directory' => 'Websites directory',
'language' => 'language folder',
'include_frame' => 'Frame in an article',
'no_forum' => 'No forum included',
'creative_common' => 'This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.en">CC0 1.0 Universal, Public Domain Dedication </a>.',
'actual_language' => 'Article(s) in the current language',
'other_languages' => 'Article(s) in other languages',
'existing_translations' => 'Existing translation(s): ',
'title_articles_to_translate' => 'Non translated articles',
'articles_to_translate' => 'The articles below are not yet translated. If you want to help translating, go to "Volunteering" (top right).',
'resources' => 'Free artistic resources',
'intro_resources' => 'Artistic resources coming form other websites.',
'icons' => 'Icons',
'music' => 'Music',
'modified' => 'Modified to fulfill our needs',
'used_here' => 'Resources we use',
'newsletter' => 'Neswletter',
'newsletter_mail' => 'Your email',
'newsletter_language_title' => 'Language',
'newsletter_language' => 'Choose your language',
'newsletter_sucess' => 'Thanks, we got your request !',
'what_to_do' => 'How to get involved?',
'what_to_do_txt' => 'Volunteer involvement is highly appreciated and even necessary!<br/>
This project is meant to be collaborative. So if you wish to participate, please <a href="./spip.php?page=contact">get in touch with us.</a><br/>

There are all sorts of possibilities, here are some skills that are welcome:
-* Translation
-* Graphic design
-* Idea and concept sharing
-* Knowledge of potential partners
-* Computer skills
-* ...

We can also discuss directly, if you prefer! ',
'translate_website' => 'Translate the website',
'translate_txt' => ' To translate the site, here are the language files. You can send us an email to <a href="./spip.php?page=contact">get in touch.</a>',
'translate_media' => 'Translate the website content',
'translate_txt_media' => 'To translate the articles, you can send us an email to <a href="./spip.php?page=contact">get in touch.</a> We will send you the way to do so.',
'adhesion' => 'Join the association',
'adhesion_sucess' => 'Thank you, we have received your request! Time to process it and we will send you your membership card by email',
'adhesion_intro' => 'To join the association "De la graine à l’humus", located at 1 rue Fleury, 49290 Chalonnes-sur-Loire, France, please fill in the form below.<br/>
<i>The subscription is a voluntary and open membership and is valid until the next general meeting. In the event of a non-zero membership amount, an email will be sent to you with the information allowing a bank transfer</i>.<br/>
Please fill in the data concerning you, then validate.',
'adhesion_name' => 'First name',
'adhesion_surname' => 'Surname',
'adhesion_address' => 'Full address',
'adhesion_birth' => 'Birth date',
'adhesion_mail' => 'Mail',
'adhesion_amount' => 'Membership amount',
'adhesion_amount_desc' => 'In the event of a non-zero membership amount, an email will be sent to you with the information allowing a bank transfer.',
'adhesion_outro' => 'In accordance with the <a href="https://www.cnil.fr/fr/la-loi-informatique-et-libertes">french law of January 6, 1978 relating to the right of communication</a >, you have a right to inspect and rectify the information concerning you.',
'translation_done' => 'All translations are done for this part !',

Translate the website content

To translate the articles, you can send us an email to get in touch. We will send you the way to do so.

Join the association

To join the association “De la graine à l’humus”, located at 1 rue Fleury, 49290 Chalonnes-sur-Loire, France, please fill in the form below.
The subscription is a voluntary and open membership and is valid until the next general meeting. In the event of a non-zero membership amount, an email will be sent to you with the information allowing a bank transfer.
Please fill in the data concerning you, then validate.

In the event of a non-zero membership amount, an email will be sent to you with the information allowing a bank transfer.

In accordance with the french law of January 6, 1978 relating to the right of communication, you have a right to inspect and rectify the information concerning you.