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Dedicated websites
Topics on a sustainable development theme, for which we have created a dedicated website. As always it is collaborative and under free licenses!
Wild habitat
How to give a hand to the nature and support wildlife? Collaborative website on welcoming animals and about the development of biodiversity. Dedicated website.
Collective composting
Starting a collective composter to decrease bio waste. Sharing of free resources on collective composting. Dedicated website.
Library of free projects
Free project resources (but no software). Highlighting free or open projects via a collaborative and multilingual site. Dedicated website.
Free and open source management tools via a collaborative and multilingual site. Share your favorite tools! Dedicated website.
Stories to share
Open, free and collaborative stories aimed at promoting children’s books on living together. Dedicated website.
Reproducible projects
Advancing together towards sustainable development. Free and reproducible projects related to sustainable development. Dedicated website.
Non translated articles
The articles below are not yet translated. If you want to help translating, go to "Volunteering" (top right).