Home > English > Resources to understand and act for the environment > Collective composting

Collective composting

Thursday 7 April 2022, by La graine

All the versions of this article: [English] [Français]

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Act for the environment


Associations - Companies - Individuals - Establishments - Schools


Dedicated websites

Starting a collective composter to decrease bio waste. Sharing of free resources on collective composting. Dedicated website.

Implementation of a collaborative website dedicated to “collective composting” :

You will find on this collaborative website:

  • resources to set up a collective composter (funding, methods, roles, group formation, communication...);
  • composter construction blueprints;
  • external resources to go further (local associations, websites, photos, videos...);
  • an exhibition on soil (6 posters) and one on compost (6 posters);
  • a space dedicated to master composters with action-oriented tools.

Visual of the website


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